Hidden Scripts - Unconscious Bias - Marshall Elearning Courses

Hidden Scripts Southern Methodist University

Marshall Elearning client Southern Methodists University approached us to create a course for their students about unconscious biases

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Race in Workplace - Marshall Elearning Courses

Local Councils Race in Workplace

As we strive for a more just and equitable society, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we need to take a hard look at the systems and institutions that shape our…

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Meghan Markle and Racism - Marshall Elearning Courses

The Palace, Meghan Markle, Racism

Racism in the workplace is something most of us have assumed to be assigned to the cultural waste bin, along with shoulder pads, Gordon Gekko and ashtrays on the desk. …

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North American Clients

In 2014 we moved from testing people on compliance and the law, to moving towards nuanced concepts such as unconscious bias. This was when we first started using dramatic scenarios…

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An Interview with Dan Robertson

Dan Robertson is the Director of Vercida Consulting and has been a great friend to Marshall’s over the years, having helped us with the development of our inclusive recruitment course.…

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Unconscious Bias - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias Training

Our Unconscious Bias training will help your employees to understand the implications of the natural biases we all hold.

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Unconscious Bias Training - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias Training Controversy

Seemingly, Unconscious Bias (UB) training has become a partisan football, for some seen negatively as synonymous with political correctness and being ‘woke’.  In fact, well-designed and non-judgemental UB training simply…

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Unconscious Bias Training - Marshall Elearning Courses

New Challenge Unconscious Bias Training

“We tried unconscious bias training, and it worked for a while but we need a follow-up” “Unconscious bias training certainly made colleagues more aware of the big “no-no’s” in the…

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Unconscious Bias Training - Marshall Elearning Courses

Customised Unconscious Bias Training

LearnUpon is a global technology company employing a diverse team, with staff in Ireland, the USA, Australia, and Serbia as well as other remote locations. As a long-time client of…

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Unconscious Bias Training - Marshall Elearning Courses

Global Companies Use Our Unconscious Bias Training

As a global technology company, we have a diverse team with employees in Ireland, USA, Australia, Serbia as well as other remote locations. It was important to find the right…

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Diversity & Inclusion in COVID 19 - Marshall Elearning Courses

Diversity & Inclusion in COVID 19 World

Our latest white paper, focuses on the Diversity & Inclusion in a COVID 19 world. This 24 page document is essential reading for HR Managers and Diversity & Inclusion officers…

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Conversation Jude-Martin Etuka - Marshall Elearning Courses

Conversation with Jude-Martin Etuka

We recently spoke to our D&I (Diversity and Inclusion) Consultant in Australia, Jude-Martin Etuka, about the D&I agenda down under, his take on the effectiveness of e-learning and how he…

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New Elearning Intervention

Marshall E-Learning and Dan Robertson from Vercida Consulting are delighted to announce the creation of a new training programme “Becoming an Inclusive Organisation”, which was launched at the Diversity Leaders…

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Unconscious Bias REF 2021 - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias Relevant to REF 2021?

Universities are preparing themselves for the biggest shake-up in the way the quality of their research is evaluated since 2014. The Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF 2021) brings with it…

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Promoting Equality Diversity - Marshall Elearning Courses

Becoming Inclusive, Promoting Equality Diversity

There continues to be discussion, programmes and training about equality, diversity and inclusion. Without appropriate awareness of these matters and how to deliver solutions to issues, some organisations will be…

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Unconscious Bias Training - Marshall Elearning

Does Unconscious Bias Training Work?

Yes. But not completely. Well, it depends. Okay, let’s backtrack a little. Yes, unconscious bias training does work. It’s an effective way to deliver information. You can teach colleagues about…

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Unconscious Bias elearning course - marshall elearning

Unconscious Bias Training – First Step

Unconscious bias can have a detrimental effect on your colleagues, your prospects and your organisation. These unseen forces play a major role in the decisions we make every day, limiting…

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Unconscious Bias Students - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias Can Elearning Help Students

Our biases cast a long shadow over our decisions, feelings and behaviours – often affecting our actions in ways we don’t understand because of attitudes we don’t recognise. Most people…

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Diversity and Equality Training - Marshall Elearning Courses

New Diversity and Equality Training

At Marshall E-Learning, we now have our new offering ready for 2019. The common theme for all our latest courses is Partnership. Where different organisations have called in Marshall’s to…

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Inclusive Recruitment Management - Marshall Elearning

Inclusive Recruitment and Inclusive Management

Unconscious Bias Training At Marshall Elearning, we’ve been running Unconscious Bias training for the past 15 years and have been delighted by the way companies from all kinds of sectors…

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Unconscious Bias for Students - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias for Students – North American Version

Unconscious Bias Elearning Course - North American version, we explore what unconscious bias is, and look at forms of unconscious…

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Ryanair Racism Incident - Marshall Elearning Courses

Ryanair Racism Incident

Video footage was released this week that shows a Ryanair passenger unleash a torrent of racist abuse towards an elderly woman sitting next to him. The video shows a white…

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Breaking the Glass Ceiling Women - Marshall Elearning Courses

Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Women

Teresa Norman, Diversity and Talent Management Specialist, explains the thinking behind our new programme, Breaking the Glass Ceiling, and how these fundamental tools will help women build their careers. If…

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unconscious bias course - marshall elearning

University Students and Unconscious Bias

The University of Edinburgh recently became one of the first universities Marshall eLearning has worked with to produce an unconscious bias course tailored for the student context. The course, designed…

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Unconscious Bias Training U.S - Marshall Elearning Courses

USA Unconscious Bias Training

We've adapted our popular Unconscious Bias e-learning course, Breaking Habits to enable organizations in the United States to challenge their…

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Unconscious Bias Training Starbucks- Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias Training at Starbucks

The coffee chain, Starbucks, is giving all its US staff unconscious bias training, following several major race-related incidents in their stores. Starbucks has introduced the unconscious bias training after several…

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Elearning International Translation - Marshall Elearning Courses

Elearning International Translation

How a small London-based business suddenly found itself having to go global and the challenges around it. With the consistent popularity of our Diversity and Equality courses and our Unconscious Bias training, it…

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Inspiring Women to Achieve - Marshall Elearning Courses

Inspiring Women to Achieve

This week, Marshall E-Learning will be attending the 11th Global Inclusion Seminar, otherwise known as INCLUSION 18. Taking place in Zurich, Germany, the event features 30 more than International Speakers and…

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Unconscious Bias for Students - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias for Students

Developed with the University of Edinburgh this Unconscious Bias Elearning Course was designed to enable their 37,000 students to be…

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University of Edinburgh Unconscious Bias - Marshall Elearning Courses

University of Edinburgh Unconscious Bias Course

The University of Edinburgh has become the first university to launch an unconscious bias course tailored for the student context. The course, designed to be taken on mobile devices, will…

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Marshall Elearning Logo

Unconscious Bias in Higher Education

An introduction to how biases affect student life and campuses In this guide, you’??ll find everything you need to understand what Unconscious Bias is, how it affects students and campuses,…

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Diversity Without Inclusion - Marshall Elearning Courses

Diversity Without Inclusion Isn’t Diversity

The now ex-Google Employee’s ‘Anti-Diversity Manifesto‘ that recently was leaked to the wider world has had the diversity community in hot debate. The anti-diversity document, which is the personal opinion…

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Understanding Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Understanding Workplace Unconscious Bias

In the UK companies are subject to a legal framework that requires their compliance and holds them to account for their actions, policies and procedures. There are numerous methods that…

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Unconscious Bias Videos - Marshall Elearning Courses

NEW Unconscious Bias Videos

Marshall E-Learning has launched a new series of short videos on Unconscious Bias which shine a light on how it deeply impacts our daily working lives and the decisions we…

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Unconscious Bias Higher Education - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias within Higher Education

How training staff creates more open, inclusive and effective organisations Unconscious gender and racial biases still pervade academia and unconscious bias remains a big challenge in the higher education sector.…

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Gender Pay Gap Public Sector - Marshall Elearning Courses

PSED: Gender Pay Gap Public Sector

According to a report by the University and College Union, the average shortfall faced by female academics was 6,103 a year. According to the union’s data, just eight higher education…

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Unconscious Bias Elearning Accreditations

Unconscious Bias Elearning Supports Accreditations

The confirmation of external accreditation is a valuable method of demonstrating an organisation’s commitment to making progress in diversity and inclusion. Marshall is constantly working to provide e-learning that supports…

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#AirbnbWhileBlack Unconscious Bias - Marshall Elearning Courses

#AirbnbWhileBlack: Unconscious Bias

Diversity consultant Michael Howard looks at the importance of unconscious bias training in light of an incident that had negative publicity for Airbnb. You might not think that unconscious and…

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Inclusive Organisations Diversity - Marshall Elearning

Inclusive Organisations: Diversity only First Step

A growing number of organisations are putting a spotlight on their efforts for diversity. Major companies like Airbnb are also hiring their very first Director of Diversity or implementing diversity…

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Impact of Unconscious Bias - Marshall Elearning

Impact of Unconscious Bias

Treating people with dignity and respect at work should be at the heart of behaviour at work. However, this is not always the case. The most recognised category of inappropriate…

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Inclusive Recruitment - Marshall Elearning

Inclusive Recruitment Best Practice

Unconscious bias is now widely recognised as an important concept in the implementation of equality and diversity strategies. Whilst this is a positive move in itself the recognition of unconscious…

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Marshall Elearning Logo

New Marshall Learning Management System

Marshall E-Learning have developed a huge range of learning content over the years. So to make this content as useful as possible, we’ve developed a new learning portal with our…

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Elearning Programmes - Marshall Elearning Courses

Partnerships: Successful Elearning Programmes

In our latest video on e-learning, diversity and equality consultant David Marshall looks at why working with partners has helped Marshall E-Learning clients build successful e-learning programmes.   Many people…

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Unconscious Bias - Marshall Elearning Courses

How Unconscious Bias Affects Business

In our Unconscious Bias video Dan Robertson, Diversity & Inclusion Director at enei, explores the nature of unconscious bias at work.   Psychologists refer to unconscious biases as our unintentional…

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Unconscious Bias Whitepaper - Marshall Elearning

New Whitepaper: Unconscious Bias

  In our new Unconscious Bias whitepaper guide, you’ll find everything you need to understand what Unconscious Bias is, how it affects you and your employees, and strategies and tactics…

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Unconscious Bias Business Impact - Marshall Elearning

Unconscious Bias and Business Impact

This is a guest article from Dan Robertson, Diversity & Inclusion Director at the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion. In this article, Dan looks at how to tackle Unconscious…

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Unconscious Bias Training - marshall elearning

Facebook and Google Recognise Unconscious Bias

Marshall E-Learning have been running training courses on Unconscious Bias (a term to describe those prejudices and misconceptions that we have of which we are not in conscious control) for…

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Marshall Elearning Logo

Combating Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Marshall Elearning, the Equality & Diversity specialist consultancy, have launched a free tool to help businesses and their employees to better understand Unconscious Bias in the workplace. Developed in partnership…

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Unconscious Bias Women STEM - Marshall Elearning Courses

Unconscious Bias Affecting Women in STEM?

The contentious comments made by Tim Hunt about working with women in the lab has sparked fierce debate amongst journalists, academics and even Boris Johnson. In a speech delivered at…

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Diversity Training Australia - Marshall Elearning Courses

Delivering Diversity Training Australia

Marshall’s has recently delivered a diversity elearning course in Australia, so we caught up with Jude-Martin Etuka, Marshall’s lead consultant in Australia, to find out how Marshall’s courses are going…

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