Managers Toolkit – PRISM Blended Learning

Good Management Key to Prosperity
Good Management Key to Prosperity

It’s a key factor in maintaining a contented and efficient workforce.

Brushing Up on Management Skills
Brushing Up on Management Skills

Providing a handy tool for new managers or experienced managers.


Managers Toolkit Elearning Course has been developed to provide a handy tool for new managers or experienced managers wishing to brush up on their skills.

PRISM Blended learning

A new collaboration between PRISM and Marshall E-Learning has enabled us to provide a unique cutting edge management training and development offer, specifically tailored for a University setting.

PRISM is a sophisticated online behavioural profiling tool designed to identify the behavioural preferences that directly relate to personal relationships, work performance and management behaviours. It is already used by the business community around the world and is available in a wide range of languages.

We’ve combined PRISM’s neuroscience-based tool with core development training for managers in Universities – ‘The Managers Toolkit Elearning Course’. It starts from the basis that inclusive managers of inclusive organisations need to have a strong understanding of their behaviours in the workplace and how these may impact upon others. The Managers Toolkit Elearning Course combines a series of elearning courses, with an inclusion theme using  PRISM to deliver powerful insights for learners about their behaviour and management style.

Through combining the management tool kit with  PRISM , each participant can create a bespoke development plan and programme which links the modules of the tool kit with behaviours and preferences identified through their profile and an optional coaching conversation.  PRISM blended learning can be used as a stand-alone development approach or a resource which complements and supports Universities’ in-house leadership development programmes by providing online content which will supplement programme content.

Whichever approach is adopted, linking the management toolkit with PRISM provides a blended learning solution to help maximise return on investment.

The content and approach of PRISM blended learning is appropriate to all leaders and managers within a University no matter at what stage of their University career. However, new leaders and managers at the start of their leadership journey may find it particularly useful having a “just in time resource”.

More about PRISM

PRISM is a proven, purposeful and cost-effective validated  tool that supports the development of leaders and managers.

PRISM provides an analysis of behavioural patterns from various perspectives including how individuals are likely to behave in the workplace.

The PRISM Professional report provides three ‘maps’ of an individual’s behavioural preferences. The ‘maps’ are referred to as: ‘Underlying, Adapted and Consistent’

  • The ‘Underlying Map’ can be described as ‘the real you’; your natural, inherent behaviour.
  • The ‘Adapted Map’ shows how much you feel you need to adjust your natural behaviour to meet the demands of your work.
  • The ‘Consistent Map’ shows how you tend to behave for most of your time, the view that most other people probably have of you.

The profile map illustrates your perceived behaviours graphically and an in depth report provides further explanation on strengths and areas to develop.

PRISM helps managers to:

  • identify how they like to lead, communicate, manage change and deal with conflict and also how to broaden/optimise their approach;
  • reflect on their leadership preferences and how these may play out in the workplace, including what they enjoy and what challenges them;
  • understand any frustrations and think about how they can find an outlet for preferences that they aren’t fully utilising in their role.

On completion of the online course, learners are offered the option of taking a telephone coaching session with one of our PRISM accredited consultants which provides an excellent platform for further development.  The information generated in the report forms the basis for the coaching session and supports participants to analyse and fully utilise the findings. Our accredited consultants are as follows:

  • Michael Howard, Diversity Consultant, is the ex-Head of Equality & Diversity for Middlesex University where he was responsible for ensuring career progression across employees, and organisational development from an equality/diversity perspective.
  • Mark Crabtree, (People and Organisation Development Consultant) previous roles include Assistant HR Director and Asst Director for Academic, Researcher and Organisational Development at Durham University.  Mark has designed, project managed, delivered and commissioned leadership and management development initiatives and has extensive experience of using a wide range of psychometric tools.

PRISM and the recruitment process

PRISM can also help organisations to crystallise the competencies and behaviours required for a role and then develop a ‘benchmark profile’ against which to measure candidates.  This helps to reduce bias in the process by introducing more structure and objectivity, thereby ensuring that the best person for the role is being selected.

To find out more about our PRISM blended learning please email or call 0845 123 3909.

You can see more about PRISM here:


This course is split into 3 parts:

Part 1

Identify how you  like to lead, communicate, manage change and deal with conflict and how to broaden your approach

Part 2

Reflect on leadership preferences and how these play out in the workplace

Part 3

Understand frustrations and find an outlet for preferences you aren’t fully utilising in your role.


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Translation available
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WCAG version available
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Add your own photography and policies
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Customisation available, with bespoke scenarios
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Downloadable workbook
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Smartphone version
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End of course certificate
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CPD certified
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Sector specific versions available

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"Your team have always been very quick to respond, and always found solutions to problems; there was never a question that couldn’t be addressed. This is superb service and I wanted to acknowledge this. "


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