Academic Training Range: Cheating, Collusion and Penalties

Cheating, Plagiarism, Collusion and Penalties
Cheating, Plagiarism, Collusion and Penalties

Commissioned by Liverpool University; raising awareness of issues.


Our Academic elearning course was commissioned by Liverpool University to ensure students are aware of cheating, plagiarism, collusion and the penalties.

This course will be mandatory for all students and has been designed for three groups of students.

  1. Undergraduates
  2. Postgraduates
  3. Postgraduate research students

The courses will be built in Storyline with 2 visual styles – the Undergraduates version will be more funky and bright-coloured, while the Postgraduate version will have a more corporate look and feel.

Training for PhD Supervisors

This academic elearning course has been designed with Hull University for new and existing members of staff to ensure best practice in supervision.

It will keep PhD students on track and embed good practice in supervision.

It is built in Elucidat which means learners can access the training on any device.

The course aims to:

  • ensure supervisors provide timely feedback
  • ensure students maintain momentum to complete the course
  • address student issues such as, personality clashes with supervisors and tackling demands by supervisors to use specific methodologies that students don’t understand.

Research Ethics

Working with Staffordshire University we developed this course for academics, researchers such as psychologists, social scientists, even game developers.

Essentially it’s for anyone carrying out research – on humans, animals even human tissue – that could have an impact on the users.

The course helps learners to answer the questions “Does your project need an ethical policy?” and “How do you build an ethical policy?”

Real-life scenarios and imagined scenarios will assist learners to consider the ramifications of their research, including a checklist of priorities which include:

  • an academic case study involving falsified on climate change
  • a psychological case study about the famous Nilgram Project that asks the question: Why do people follow authority?
  • a data confidentiality case study about stolen Sony Playstation data

The course takes the view that social experiments can cause undue stress to participants.

The outcome, in certain circumstances, of publishing data can be catastrophic resulting in bad PR, employees losing their jobs, or being banned from publishing in academic journals.

Potential audience for our Academic Range of elearning courses:

  • NHS Organisations
  • Educational Institutions
  • Game Studios

Learn more

If you’d like to find out more about our Academic elearning courses please contact us and we’ll be in touch very soon.


This course is split into 3 parts:

Part 1


Part 2

Developing ethical policies

Part 3

Best practice in supervision


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Translation available
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WCAG version available
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Add your own photography and policies
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Customisation available, with bespoke scenarios
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Downloadable workbook
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Smartphone version
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End of course certificate
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CPD certified
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Sector specific versions available

What You Say

"The feedback from academics and professional services’ staff has been fantastic, with over 80% rating it excellent."

University of Sussex

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