Unconscious Bias Training for Prudential

Unconscious Bias Training
Unconscious Bias Training

an Unconscious Bias course for Prudential Assurance


The Challenge

Prudential is a global multinational finance company that employs thousands of employees from diverse cultures, ages, ethnicities and religions. It was therefore imperative to them to ensure that high standards of respect and inclusion are followed throughout their various offices.

To this end, they came to us with a requirement for a bespoke version of our Unconscious Bias course, intended for a global rollout. The main challenge for this project is that learner demographic would be incredibly broad, spanning Europe, American and Asia.  The course, therefore, would have to be adapted and translated into multiple languages included Thai, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malay.

The other main requirement is that the content would have to take into account the differing equality and diversity legislation across each of the territories as well as ensuring the content is suitable for every audience and job role.

Prudential also wanted the course to sit within a platform where the learner could select from a drop-down their language and be taken to the relevant section of the course.

The Solution

Our solution was to partner with industry experts in issues of Equality, Inclusion, Diversity and Unconscious Bias training – the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI).

We designed a solution that explains how we can overcome our unconscious bias to improve decision making and professional relationships, and to create more open, inclusive and effective organisations. Using examples and interactive exercises the course takes a straightforward look at one of the most important current issues in diversity management.

We also filmed custom scenarios and case studies illustrating the ways in which Unconscious Bias can affect our relationships with colleagues and management decision.

To ensure that learners were directed to the relevant content for their role and language requirements, we designed a portal that serves the course content and language selection following sign in.


The course has been successfully deployed across each of the territories and feedback so far has been very favourable with learners reporting that the course was informative, fun and genuinely useful. Uptake has been very high and continues rise across each of the cohorts.