Irish Universities Talk Racism

28th October 2021

We are excited to announce that following the launch of our EDI in Higher Education training programme for Irish University staff in April 2021, that the IUA Vice Presidents for EDI, who have been mindful of the issue of race equality, have signed on for a new Irish edition of our popular ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ course. Within this version, the content has been tailored to fit an Irish context, as naturally different countries will have different cultural contexts, laws, and dynamics with regards to race.

Our ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ race equality training course has been designed to teach learners that racism is not just about explicit racist language, abuse, or discrimination, but it can take the form of inequality and inadvertent bias ingrained in the way organisations and society is run.

At Marshall’s we’re so happy to see so many universities in Ireland see the value of a course tailored to the Irish context. It’s really important to us that our content is relevant for the people taking the course, and this is a great example of that

The course is kicked off by some great insight from Professor Philomena Mullen, an assistant professor of Black Studies at Trinity College Dublin, who clearly outlines the difference between “individual acts of racism and structural racism’. It’s great to see an expert in the field give their views regarding such key issues.

We are really pleased that the Irish Universities have come together to partake in this course as it will help learners to:

  • understand what unconscious racial bias is;
  • describe what is meant by white privilege;
  • list the differences between ‘in groups’ and ‘out groups’;
  • recognise racial microaggressions;
  • describe how an organisation can either reverse or perpetuate racial bias depending on its actions/inactions.

Dr. Marie Connolly – Director of Human Rights, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion from the University of Limerick, is someone who we have worked alongside to put this course together. She says “We are very pleased, following the culmination of many months work in collaboration with our eLearning provider – Marshall eLearning- to commence the roll-out of an online training programme ‘Let’s Talk About Race in the Higher Education Sector’ in Ireland.  This programme for staff and students is a key initiative in building the intercultural understanding and competence required to achieve systemic change. Let’s Talk About Race in the Higher Education Sector will complement the existing race awareness and education activities of the universities.”

To find out more information about this course, drop us an email at



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