Health and Safety Elearning For Students

8th February 2012

Vital information for students

This Health and Safety for Students elearning course covers core health and safety issues, carefully written with a student audience in mind. It enables colleges or universities to ensure that all students are given an in-depth tutorial on vital topics such as:

  • Understanding their responsibilities towards staff and other students on health and safety
  • Learning the procedures for accident and incident reporting
  • Engaging with practical scenarios, typical of campus life e.g. students sitting in corridors or smoking in designated areas
  • Understanding fire safety procedures, tailored for the institution

Stay up-to-date

If you buy any of our student e-learning courses you’??ll get any updates we make, and always be up-to-date with current legislation.

Learning by design

All our Elearning for Students courses are highly interactive with rich graphics and audio-visual content, blending a variety of question-types that can be used as part of student induction, skills development or citizenship-related programmes. Or they could provide a springboard for classroom discussion.

Easy to implement & customise

These e-learning courses come with Marshall ACM’??s LMS which allows you to manage all your e-learning and track completed training.

Our in-house developers can quickly & effectively adapt this course for your organisation. You could add your own graphics, photos & video and amend content to include your policies, procedures and key areas.

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