Equality Impact Analysis Course

16th April 2012

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires that public bodies meet a menu of aims such as eliminating discrimination, advancing equality, and fostering good relations between different groups.

In the context of equality law and best practice, Equality Impact Analysis (EIA) is widely recognised as an important tool to understand how policies, services and decisions impact on different equality groups, and ensure they work well for everyone.

House of Commons commission Marshall ACM

Our Equality Impact Analysis Elearning Course has a wide reach across the public sector. We think it’s probably because it helps to streamline EIA implementation and deliver a robust and proportionate approach to Equality Analysis.

And the reach just got wider as we’re pleased to announce this month that we’ve added Parliament to our extensive list of public agencies using this essential monitoring tool, as the House of Commons has now commissioned us to produce their Equality Analysis Elearning Course.

The benefits of our Equality Impact Toolkit

There are several good reasons for using our EIA Toolkit. One is the customisable online recording and reporting system, another is the elearning course, which allows you to see that equality implications are being considered by staff.

And there’s also the tailored consultancy support and face-to-face training on Equality Impact Analysis, delivered by Marshall ACM associates who are public sector equality and diversity experts with extensive practical experience.

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