New Inclusive Leadership Whitepaper

7th November 2016


Download the Inclusive Leadership whitepaper’?now.

Inclusive Leadership is a key area for all modern businesses. But despite this, many of today’s business leaders continue to view leadership as simply a position within an organisational structure, and by doing so they fail to recognise that leadership in today’??s complex, uncertain and sometimes turbulent world leadership is indeed a privilege.

And with this privilege comes a new authority and power to act not in one’??s own interests, but in the interests of the community in which leaders seeks to serve.

To help today’??s organisational leaders to think and act inclusively,’?we have developed a research-based Inclusive Leadership competence framework.

Based on 15 core competencies, this framework sets out a new standard for reducing bias and promoting inclusive working practices. Marshall’?E-Learning are pleased to be working in partnership with enei to provide this guide on Inclusive Leadership.

Together with our new elearning module on Inclusive Leadership we together hope that this guide provides a practical resource and helps to answer a number of existing questions, including:

– What is Inclusive Leadership?

– What are the business advantages of adopting the principles of Inclusive leadership?

Fill in your details to download the free Inclusive Leadership whitepaper:

  • Your Name:
  • Your Email:
  • Your Job Title:
  • Your Organisation:
  • Would you like a free consultation on your training and development needs?

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