Unconscious Bias in Higher Education

14th November 2017

Unconscious Bias in Higher Education

An introduction to how biases affect student life and campuses

In this guide, you’??ll find everything you need to understand what Unconscious Bias is, how it affects students and campuses, and strategies and tactics for preparing your workforce for managing bias in higher education.

Many consider Unconscious Bias to be a new brand for diversity training. For example, rather than focusing on discrimination based on gender, race, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation, think about how Unconscious Bias impacts your organisation in areas such as Recruitment, Induction, Tutoring, Seminars, Student Performance, and Student Relations.

“This is a fantastic guide from Marshall E-Leaning Consultancy. Not only does this set out what unconscious bias is, through a number of case studies from some of the world’s leading universities Marshalls’?offers Higher Education institutions with a number of’?practical tips on’?how to address bias in key areas such as student’?tutorial, seminars, student support and student assessment.’?A must read.”

– Dan Robertson, Director of Vercida Consulting

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