Data Protection Elearning Updated

8th February 2013

We thought you’d like to know that our popular Data Protection elearning course has been updated with a brand new look and feel, and some eye-catching new images.

The course still provides users with training on records management, information security, data protection and freedom of information, ensuring that they:

  • Understand legal requirements surrounding Data Protection and Freedom of Information
  • Understand the principles of effective records management and information security
  • Can apply both records management and information security to ensure they comply with Data Protection and Freedom of Information legislation
  • Understand how to apply the training into their daily work
  • Understand Freedom of Information legislation and how to respond to requests
  • Understand the principles and practicalities involved in Data Protection

Designed for all users

It includes in-depth chapters on Records Management which include Email management and cover Information Securitym from Computer Security through to managing information out of office.

And it has been carefully designed for all users by incorporating a range of methods including quizzes, web links and a final assessment quiz with an overall duration of one hour. It could be completed in one session or can bookmarked and completed in chunks. The combination of learning techniques will help to develop a user’s understanding and confidence in dealing with this difficult issue.

Learn more

If you’d like a free demonstration of our Data Protection e-learning course or would like to find out more about our other e-learning courses please complete this short form and we’ll be in touch very soon.

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